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This is the projects page (obviously) and here is where all of my completed projects are located. Let's see what I've been up to recently...

Self Portrait

Self Reflection.png

Wowsers! This took forever, approximately 15 hours to be exact. With that amount of time, there are too many steps to count. However, I'll tell you the two tools that are responsible for this masterpiece is the smudge tool and the blur tool; they really made this portrait come together. The tragedy of this hyped-up face is that this was turned in late, so it sits here as a reminder of my potential if I put 100% in my assignments (also a lesson of turning in things on time more importantly).

Space Beach

Space Beach png.png


True Logos.png

Whoa! The colors! Welp, here's my logo. You're probably wondering, "what does it mean?" I don't know of its meaning, but it's just really cool to look at. An illustrious and colorful design created by frustration and patience. To be honest, this is the culmination of failed logos mushed and stuck together. The logos were a shield, three see-through circles, and stylized halos; you wouldn't guess those just by looking I bet. The creation was just me grabbing each bland logo and stacking them on top of each other by layer. Then I made sure to cut the center of the image out as a circle to give it its current shape. Next, I changed its boring color by blending the colors that made a very clear difference. Finally, I merged them together to create this very dope image. (By the way, I do know the logo isn't symmetrical, it's supposed to be like that!)

       I thought to myself, "Man. I really what to create a composite image of a beach, but I also want to do something about space." So, i made myself a compromise and created a beach with the cosmos hovering above it. So, first, I had to find a few images; a planet of sorts, a beach, some mountains, and a moon. I also had to find clouds and some crazy space phenomena which was the meteor shower seen above on the left side of the image. At first they looked completely strange sitting next to each other especially when it came to their own individual color scheme, so I messed with many images to no avail. So the I decided to use a tool that wasn't required for this assignment in order to change the colors of the images with complete control. The blending options did help afterwards, but wasn't really meshing well before hand. The tool was not a tool, but instead just adding layer styles to some images ("fx" as it's labeled next to the layer mask icon). These enhancements really helped blend all of the images together and allowed me to change the opacity of objects without altering the colors. The only issue that was left unresolved were the clouds in front of the cluster of planets. They didn't really look alright in front of such a bright image. However, I attempted to give them an inner glow to give them a more foggy look to them. They look fine to me now, but to be honest, they still look weird for some reason. The coolest things that I figured out was how to put a reflection on the water and to darken only the water. The reflection was straight forward; copy image, flip image, and change its opacity. The darkened water on the other hand was where I was stumped. At this point, the images failed to blend together, the clouds looked stupid, and the water was to bright in correlation to the sky. I was going to start over, but in refusal to start over (and the lack of time) I had a brief memory of something important: I was messing around in Photoshop during the beginning of the semester during instruction of the paint tool and I pressed the mentioned "fx" icon. The squiggly drawing I had on screen started glowing for some reason. Afterwards, I began to mess around with the different settings to see what would happen and came up with many strange results. One of those strange results was the important memory which in result was the Gradient overlay. This allowed me to change the water's color scheme without using a mask or a different layer or anything complicated like that. In result of this rambling, I had a really tough time with thing assignment, but soon turned extremely easy after the discovery of the layer styles.

Pong Game Turbo

       This is just an animated game of Pong with the power of Photoshop's Timeline function. Due to my experiences of being both 1st player and 2nd player, I decided to leave the game as a tie to avoid favoritism. That flashing effect is pretty cool though, huh? All I did was change the Opacity of the image over and over.

Dark Bird

       It was just a normal composite image with bland colors and stuff, but the power of the fx tool turned this bird's heart into one of evil... 

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